Wednesday, November 5, 2008


As a work group we took part in a walk to walk day. We walked from Ravenswood centre down Henry Street, along the Hoblers Bridge walk, then up past Coca Cola factory and back to the centre. It took us about an hour. I was stuffed when we got back.....they all like to walk very fast.


Chelsea Parsons said...

flip... there is one huge hill to walk up too. i'd be stuffed! sounds fun though Bon

HandS said...

you have a great family,Bonnie and I feel a great love for us all!!!
my plans are to come over next fall ,to work and visit...for about 3 months. I have my nursing license for WA sorted out.
and lots of jobs....
say hi to Heather.. and she can work out how to post on here? if I can ,she can!!!
love ,Sally