Saturday, November 15, 2008


Coming over the log on the track
Bonnie manouvering the log, water and ditches

After a hard day's work...

Jake and Arron on the way home after 8 hours of riding straight.

Chloe on the 4 wheeler and Jake posing on top of the log


Brad, Bradley(friend) and Arron received certificates for their contribution to the 'democracy' art posters which was held at the QV Museum of Arts on Friday.
On Saturday we went to Griffin Park with Chloe and Dean. This is Chloe negotiating her way through one of the tracks. It was an awesome ride and some very hard and challenging tracks.

Dean going through one of the many puddles...

I liked this shot with the 'ghosty' image' created by the exhaust fumes....

Trying to get my four wheeler over one of the logs on the path, with Dean pulling and Mick pushing. It was a great day, except for the rain at the end and getting lost..

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


As a work group we took part in a walk to walk day. We walked from Ravenswood centre down Henry Street, along the Hoblers Bridge walk, then up past Coca Cola factory and back to the centre. It took us about an hour. I was stuffed when we got back.....they all like to walk very fast.


We went riding at Bellingham on Saturday, the weather was fabulous. THis is Mick doing a jump on his motorbike.
Jake bogged his bike so badly Mick had to rescue his bike. Jake had gone off looking for some one to help him.
This is me with the 3 boys overlooking the water.

This is me on the 4 wheeler I ride when we go riding.
Brad on his yamaha, doing wheelies ...